Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome Back!

Back in the saddle, back on the wagon, back in business, back in the USSR... okay, maybe not that last one. :) It's been too long! Or maybe it's been just long enough? God *is* mysterious in His ways, right?

I'm not sure how many times I've figured this out before, but I just figured it out again; I don't do well with change. Let me clarify - I don't transition well with regard to life changes and the effect they have on my health habits. Yep, that says it right there. It's been almost two years since I was in the health frame of mind. Looking back over this time I can see where I lost track. In fact, I think I can pinpoint the the initial decision that lead to the eventual off-ramp and detour. I chose to go back to something that I'd failed at/struggled with several times before under the unwise assumption that some slight alterations would this time lead me to success. Inevitably these alterations didn't pan out and the situation ended up being pretty much the same as it had been each time before. You know that saying about the definition of insanity, right? Well, there I was. It turned out to be a pretty big deal with regard to my overall health and wellness and I found myself traveling back down a road I really couldn't afford to be on again. What started out as a seemingly small pebble in my shoe soon began to affect every aspect of my life and the downward spiral wasn't far off. God uses what He will to make things happen, however, and in June of last year I was able to change my circumstances so that I could literally and figuratively escape the return to the path of destruction, and get back on the road that would lead me to the correct on-ramp. That correct on-ramp was still another 6 months away, but praise Him, I found it, and by His grace I'll stay on the straight and narrow this time.

So here I am, six months later! It's the beginning of a new year, I'm in a very stable situation where I can pick and choose what I want to allow into my life (versus what simply won't cut it). Things aren't ideal in every way, but my frame of mind, and my all important clarity of thinking are back. THIS is really what takes a beating when I get all discombobulated because of some kind of chaos (usually self induced) that upsets my world. Once things settle down, once I allow Him to settle them down and show me where I went wrong, I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again.

So here's to starting all over again!

And really, I'll do it (start over) as often as I need to, as often as He allows me to, in order to be able to honestly say I'm doing the very best I can. Right now that means keeping track of what I eat and making allowances for life and the different eating situations I run into. It also means getting out and moving: I joined a gym, and will also do physical therapy at a nearby aquatic center. Finally, it means accountability. I have a food buddy and a workout buddy!

So here's to new starts, new years, and new opportunities! I'm looking forward to checking in here and talking about what I'm learning. If you're reading this, thanks for stopping by!

 "Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over." ~F. Scott Fitzgerald

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